The clothing is by Club Monaco. I added a couple shoe ideas to really set the look off. The Kicks are (from top to bottom) Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent. Personally I would loose the cuffs in the jeans. Other than that this look is real "ladykiller" The YSL joints would look especially fresh with a nice pair of tan cargos or chinos. I'm thinking relaxed fit that's not too wide or narrow at the ankle. You don't want to cover up to much of a shoe this fly, but at the same time if your like me and my people, you have too maintain that delicate balance of staying fly while keeping that b-boy swagger. (Click on the shoes to see larger image. They're Official!)

This out-fit is also from Club Monaco. I threw in the Christian Dior shoe and the watches by Lacoste. This look will carry you from Harlem to the Hamptons.